I took Gabe to the "lake" this morning for a friend's birthday party. I did not know the other parents at the party since the birthday boy was a friend from school. So, since I was not doing a lot of chatting with other adults I had the time to make quite a few observations during our visit to the lake.....
1. Once you become a mother, it is time to throw out the "
itty bitty" bikinis. Things just hang differently after you have kids!
2. 8 year old girls are too old to look "cute" in an "
itty bitty" bikini but, are not old enough to look "cute" in them either.
3. Some Moms are way to competitive when it comes to their child, even if their child is the worst behaved kid at the "lake".
4. You should not ask a stranger (being me) to watch your child until your wife arrives, he had no idea how bad I am
PMS'ing today, who knows I could have let his kid drown in one of my rages.
5.I left my two year
olds at home so, I did not have to watch them. What makes you think I want to watch your random two year old?
Obviously, she did not know how bad I was
PMS'ing either. Did I have a sign plastered to my back that said "I want to watch your kids while you do nothing?"
6.Just because you have a tummy tuck performed, does not mean that you are automatically skinny and ready for an "
itty bitty" bikini.
7.All Mom's should watch their own kids at "the lake" that way you know when your child is beating on another one with a plastic sword.
8. Pool toys and in this case "lake" toys are fair game. If you bring them your child need to share them with everyone!
9. Finally, no matter what state you live in, WT (white trash) people find a way to plop down right next to you and think you want to talk to them. Obviously, they did not know how bad I was
PMS'ing either! :)