Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Gabriel!

It is hard to believe that five years ago today the Lord blessed us with our baby Gabe! Where has the time gone? I sat at the table this morning sipping my coffee and staring at my baby boy while he was watching TV. I thought over and over to myself "I can't believe that he is five"!People say to me all of the time, "Enjoy these years because they are going to go by so fast", I usually shrug them off (because I am in survival mode with my three preschoolers). But, they are right! I can not believe how fast the past five years have flown by! I am looking forward to watching Gabe grow up and I pray each day that he is happy, healthy, and follows Christ! Happy Birthday baby Gabe!


Amber said...

Wow!! I cant believe that Gabe is 5. The time has gone so fast.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Gabe! We love you so much!

Just think, in 5 more years, he'll be 10! Hmmm....

Emily said...

Happy Birthday Gabe!

I hope you know how much we love Gabe, over here at our house. Sometimes I feel like your kids are so much a part of ours, it's unreal! You kinda made my eyes get teary. . . How weird is it to remember how truly little Gabe once was? He is sooo big.

Love the new layout, by the way!

Coach A said...
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Coach A said...

I love the fact that our families are all so close! We love you guys!