Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Popsicles in the bathtub??

Yes, I let my kids have Popsicles in the bathtub! I know that this is probably not the most sanitary thing to do but, it sure eliminates a mess for mommy to clean up! Usually after "the sisters" have a Popsicle there is a huge mess to conquer (Winnie is nice enough to help me most of the time)! The melted Popsicle that some how did not make its way into their mouth usually finds itself all over their face, clothes, and all over my back patio! In the bathtub, there is no mess to clean up.....one less mess = A HAPPY MOMMY!


Emily said...

I think that popsicles in the bathtub is a fantastic idea. I wish I had thought of that when mine were littler!

Meghan said...

I agree - I'm totally OK with popsicles in the bathtub. We actually do it a lot because I have some OCD tendencies and can't handle the mess when they start to drip! Sometimes I'll rig up a little drip-catcher using a paper cup instead. Anything to not have to mop up sticky popsicle juice! Your "sisters" are super cute, by the way!

Coach A said...

Thanks! The drip-catcher is a good idea too! I can be pretty OCD about the house too!

Lisa said...

My mom just ripped off our shirts, sent us outside, brought the popsicles (still in their wrappers) out to us, and only when we were safely standing in the grass, were we allowed to enjoy the sweet, juicy, ice treat! Before we could come back inside, she would turn on the hose and basically hose us down!!! What an ordeal, but we both got a good laugh about it!!!

Amber said...

I love this picture!!! It is so cute!!!