Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am an avid watcher of "The View"(Sorry lisa, I have to admit I do like it, I think you secretly do too!)......I like to listen to them talk about politics and Elizabeth Hasselback is my hero! Anyway, they started a new segment on "The View"today called "What in the Hell Wednesdays". It was hysterical!! So, I thought that I would do my own little rendition on Mac's Spot....We'll call it WHAT IN THE HECK WEDNESDAY instead for our G rated crowd! So, feel free to post your WHAT IN THE HECK comments too!

Here is an example:

This is a true story.......A woman was jogging in the woods when a fox jumped out of a bush and clenched his teeth onto her arm. Instead of beating the fox off with a stick, she ran another mile to her car with the fox still attached to her arm. She then proceeded to drive about thirty minutes to the nearest vet, with the fox still attached to her arm (I bet that was an awkward drive). All of this to see if the fox had rabies....Really?



Jill Skouson said...

That story is so funny! I also heard that she did that because she didn't want to get a rabies shot. Unfortunately, she had to get the shot anyway because it was going to take some time for the test results to come back on the fox's condition. I guess it wasn't worth the lovely drive with the fox still attached to her arm. Poor lady.
I love the idea of What the Heck Wednesdays... keep it up :)

Crazy Family said...

I love the View too!!! I would love to see Whoopi get a "whoopin" from Elisabeth though! Hehehe

Lisa said...

I rebuke your statement. I promise, Anthony, I don't watch!!!

Emily said...

What in the heck?? I like what in the heck wednesday!

Meghan said...

Funny story....

WTH is our standard saying for everything around here...I can't wait to read more..