Thursday, June 26, 2008

Polly Want A Cracker?

Gabe is the most persistent 4 1/2 year old you will ever meet, he could put some used car salesmen to shame! When he wants something he will ask and ask AND ask until you either punish him or sometimes finally give in!

For example, we went to the cabin last weekend and before we got in the car to leave Gabe ate a Popsicle AND fruit snacks. So, Nick arrived home from work changed his clothes and grabbed a bag of Ritz crackers for the car so, he could have a snack while we were driving (the cabin is about three hours away). So, of course Gabe asked if he could have some crackers to eat too. I said No, and explained to him that he had plenty of snacks for the afternoon. So, of course he asked for the crackers about thirty more times in the span of 15 minutes. Finally, Nick looked at him in the rear view mirror (like most dads do) and said if you ask for crackers one more time I will pull the car over and there will be a consequence (use your imagination....I am sure you can figure out what that consequence may have been). So, Gabe sat quietly for a few minutes and then he said under his breath...."Polly, want a cracker?".

That was one of those moments where we had to follow through as a parent but, we were busting up laughing inside!

1 comment:

Emily said...

This has to be one of my favorite sotries about Gabe! He is just so clever- and quick in his responses!