Friday, October 17, 2008

Somedays I wish I was Winnie....

Winnie "the wonder dog" has such a nice life. She eats and drinks when she wants, sleeps in our bed, occasionally (who am I kidding, ALWAYS) gets leftover treats from the table, and basks in the sunlight. Her biggest worry is keeping the squirrel out of our back yard. Can you imagine if a squirrel was your biggest worry? Ahhh...the life of a weiner dog!


Meghan said...

Can I just say that I LOVE your new background? Very, VERY cute!

It sounds like Winnie leads a pretty pampered life...she looks super comfortable on all those pillows. Do you think she'd be interested in trading lives for a day?

Emily said...

You know, now that you mention it, she DOES get to eat whatever, whenever she wants, so has the best spot in the bed (rrrrrr) and obviously the best spot in the sun!

Love the look, too. I wish I could figure out how to make the new backgrounds work for me.

Lisa said...

I must concur with my dear friends, the background is great! Super trendy!

You know, Winnie does have a few worries. I mean, her poor belly drags on the ground, she has a little tumor, and she has to pee in the grass. The last one would be a deal breaker for this chick!